How Does One Perfect the Pairing of Cheese with Coffee?

MARCH 24, 2024

In the heart of Jersey City, a place known for its vibrant coffee culture and artisanal cheese boutiques, lies the secret to an extraordinary morning routine: the pairing of cheese with coffee. This guide, rooted in the culinary expertise of balancing cheese with coffee, aims to introduce you to a pairing that elevates your taste experience beyond the conventional.

Balancing the intensity of flavors is paramount. Neither the cheese nor the coffee should overshadow the other; instead, they should complement and elevate each other. When considering pairings, factor in the body, acidity, and sweetness of the coffee alongside the texture, age, and flavor profile of the cheese.

For a classic pairing, choose a medium-roast coffee. Its smooth, balanced flavor profile makes it an ideal match for the creamy richness of a Brie or Camembert, offering a velvety experience that marries comfort with luxury.

If you sway towards darker roasts, select a sharp aged cheddar or a piece of smoky gouda. These cheeses can stand their ground against the bold, full-bodied nature of dark roasts, resulting in a robust and satisfying pairing.

For aficionados of lighter roasts characterized by fruity notes, fresh cheeses like mozzarella or tangy feta are recommended. The coffee's acidity and fruitiness provide a delightful counterpoint to the creaminess of these cheeses, ensuring a balanced and refreshing taste experience.

Allow me to share a personal and local favorite, the Coffee Rubbed Havarti Toast, a simple recipe that captures the essence of this harmonious pairing:

- 2 slices of sourdough bread
- 4 slices of Havarti cheese
- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground coffee (medium roast)
- 1 teaspoon of brown sugar
- Butter, for spreading
- A pinch of coarse sea salt

1. Combine the ground coffee and brown sugar.
2. Butter one side of each sourdough slice. Place them, buttered side down, in a skillet over medium heat.
3. Layer the cheese on one slice, sprinkle with the coffee mixture, and cover to melt the cheese and caramelize the coffee, about 2-3 minutes.
4. Once melted, complete the sandwich, cook until golden, and sprinkle with salt.

Indulging in this Coffee Rubbed Havarti Toast—where the creamy Havarti meets a kick of coffee—promises an exceptional start to your day.

Embark on this journey of discovery in cheese and coffee pairings. It's an adventure where every sip and bite not only pleases the senses but also warms the soul. This exploration is an open invitation to experiment, savor, and enjoy the culinary delights that Jersey City and beyond have to offer.

Clara Fromagette
