How Did the Wisconsin Cheesemakers Wow the 1964 New York World's Fair with a 34,000-Pound Cheese Sculpture?

MAY 19, 2024

When one thinks of the 1964 New York World's Fair, what comes to mind are the towering Unisphere, the early crafts of futuristic rides, and the array of international pavilions. However, amidst all the futuristic marvels and technological wonders, there was one exhibit that literally stood as a giant testament to an entirely different kind of craftsmanship – the Wisconsin State Capitol made entirely out of cheese.

The brainchild behind this grand idea was the Wisconsin Cheesemakers Association, ever eager to promote the state's thriving dairy industry. They decided to go big or go home – and what's bigger than constructing a sculpture from an enormous block of cheddar cheese weighing over 34,591 pounds?

This colossal chunk of cheddar was sourced from Wisconsin’s many dairy farms, producing more than enough milk to make the brick. The cheese block itself traveled thousands of miles in a refrigerated train car, kept at a cool temperature, ensuring it arrived fresh and intact for the sculpting process at the fairgrounds.

Commissioned to bring this vision to life were talented cheese sculptors Tex Deets and Paul F. Zeller. Equipped with little more than a set of carving tools, they embarked on their epic task.

Deets and Zeller meticulously carved out the intricate details of the Wisconsin State Capitol building over several weeks. Every detail was painstakingly chiseled – from the majestic dome that crowned the structure to the tiny windows and the distinct architecture features of the Capitol. Visitors to the Fair marveled at the extraordinary craftsmanship, often questioning if it truly was cheese.

This magnificent sculpture was not just about the awe factor. It symbolized the ingenuity and the agricultural pride of Wisconsin. For the Wisconsin Cheesemakers Association, it was a golden opportunity to highlight the hard work and dedication of cheesemakers who had honed their craft over generations.

The Wisconsin State Capitol cheese sculpture attracted thousands of visitors, and countless photographs were taken, immortalizing this unusual yet fascinating exhibit. For many, it was an unforgettable experience, associating Wisconsin not just with cheese but with an unparalleled commitment to showcasing its prized culinary art in a truly spectacular form.

To ensure preservation, the cheese sculpture was kept in optimal refrigerated conditions throughout the fair duration. By the end of the fair, the extraordinary piece faced an unconventional fate – while some records suggest it was donated to various food banks and soup kitchens around New York City, this remains a part of the myth that surrounds this grand creation.

The legacy of the 34,591-pound cheese sculpture endures, remaining a vivid memory for those who visited the 1964 New York World's Fair and a landmark event in the history of cheese sculptures. It highlighted Wisconsin's profound connection to its cheesemaking heritage and significantly promoted the state's dairy industry on an international stage.

In today's world, cheese sculpting continues to celebrate Wisconsin’s cheesemaking traditions, echoing the legacy left by that massive and iconic cheese Capitol. It serves as an everlasting reminder that with creativity and craftsmanship, even a humble food item like cheese can become a monumental work of art.