What Makes the Annual Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake So Thrilling?

MAY 31, 2024

Every year, on the Spring Bank Holiday, the picturesque town of Gloucester, England, becomes the epicenter of adrenaline-pumping excitement and quirky traditions. The event? The annual Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake, a celebration that combines the love of cheese with thrill-seeking adventure. For over two centuries, participants and spectators from around the globe have gathered here to witness – and partake in – the exhilarating chase of a large wheel of Double Gloucester cheese down a steep hill.

Cooper's Hill, known for its sharp incline and rugged terrain, provides the perfect backdrop for this heart-stopping event. The cheese, a hefty 7-9 pounds of Double Gloucester, is released from the top of the hill, and participants hurl themselves down in hot pursuit. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom wins the coveted cheese.

The origins of this delightful chaos are a bit hazy, but it is believed that the event has been held since at least 1826, possibly even earlier. It's an intersection of ancient pagan practices celebrating fertility and the spring harvest. Traditionally, the local villagers would gather for this rite, with cheese symbolizing prosperity and bounty.

Despite its whimsical premise, the Cheese-Rolling event is not for the faint-hearted. Injuries are common, as the hill's gradient is steep, and the ground is often slippery. Participants tumble, flip, and occasionally collide with each other as they race to capture the rolling cheese. Broken bones, sprains, and bruises are regular occurrences, and an ambulance crew is always on standby.

The cheese itself plays a pivotal role in the event's history and appeal. Double Gloucester cheese, renowned for its rich, buttery flavor and firm texture, has been produced in the Gloucestershire region since the 16th century. This hard cheese, originally made from a mix of rich milk from both morning and evening milkings, was ideal for aging, which led to its firm texture – perfect for rolling down a hill.

Over the years, the event has gained international fame, attracting thrill-seekers and cheese enthusiasts alike. Despite being cancelled in 2010 due to safety concerns, the local community's spirit and the indomitable nature of the participants have kept the tradition alive in an unofficial capacity. The event transcends mere competition; it is a testament to human endurance, the joy of communal celebration, and, of course, the enduring love of cheese.

For those who prefer to watch from a safe distance, the spectacle is equally enthralling. Crowds line the sides of Cooper's Hill, cheering on the brave souls who take part, and celebrating the unique heritage that this tradition represents. The cheese-rolling event, with its mix of danger and delight, offers a slice of English history and a showcase of the country’s rich cheesy heritage.

So, if you ever find yourself in Gloucester at the end of May, take a moment to visit Cooper's Hill. Embrace the madness, cheer with the locals, and maybe even savor a taste of Double Gloucester cheese – though it may taste a bit sweeter when it's not rolling at breakneck speed down a hill!