What Happened During the $160,000 Cheese Theft Spree in Wisconsin?

MAY 17, 2024

In 2016, Wisconsin, often hailed as the cheese capital of the United States, found itself the victim of an unusual crime wave. Over the span of a few months, cheese thieves managed to steal more than $160,000 worth of cheese in several daring heists. The sheer magnitude and audacity of these crimes left the community both shocked and somewhat amused.

The first major incident occurred in early January when a truck carrying 20,000 pounds of cheese was stolen in Germantown. The cheese in question was a variety of the state’s beloved cheddar, valued at approximately $90,000. The truck was later found abandoned in Milwaukee, but the cheese had vanished, likely sold on the black market or smuggled out of state.

Not long after, another bold theft took place in Marshfield, where yet another truck containing $70,000 worth of cheese was hijacked. This time, it was a blend of different cheeses including mozzarella, parmesan, and Swiss. Again, the empty truck was recovered, but the thieves and the cheese were nowhere to be found.

These thefts tapped into a long-standing tradition of cheese production in Wisconsin, a state that produces more than 2.5 billion pounds of cheese annually. As stories of the heists spread, the community rallied together, driven by a blend of outrage and a surprising amount of humor. Police departments issued statements urging vigilance, and local cheese producers increased security measures, all the while underlining the importance of protecting their prized products.

Investigators suggested the involvement of a sophisticated ring, given the logistical challenges of storing and transporting such large quantities of cheese without attracting attention. Theories abounded, ranging from organized crime groups diversifying their portfolios to opportunistic local thieves with deep knowledge of the dairy industry.

Though the stolen cheese was never recovered, the incidents brought to light the often-overlooked vulnerabilities of food supply chains, even in a seemingly secure industry like cheese production. The community’s response highlighted their resilience and deep connection to their culinary heritage. Festivals and events celebrating Wisconsin cheese even played up the heists with cheese-themed theater performances and tongue-in-cheek tributes to the “cheese bandits.”

While 2016 will be remembered for many things, the Great Cheese Heist of Wisconsin holds a special, and somewhat entertaining, place in the history of a state fiercely proud of its cheese. This series of capers cemented the importance of cheese in Wisconsin's identity, while also serving as a humorous reminder that even the most beloved products are not immune to theft.